Monday, April 30, 2012

1 Peter 5:7

1 Peter 5 :7 is always my most favorite and forever encouraging verse of all. Why? Every time I look upon the calendar (given to me by the Murdoch family) on my mantelpiece, It'll remind me that I should be casting all my worries and anxiety to God. Plus, the calendar is full of meaningful messages and words from the lovely people XD
Today makes no different. My BB Kelly has given me a bottle which consist of over 365 of small rolled notes last year for my 21st. She told me to unroll one each per day to find out what kinda message she has for me. It is encouraging as they were all bible verses. Sometimes, when I was feeling lonely and down in Singapore, these verses never fails to lift me up :) I don't how long I have been unrolling those notes, but today, I got my favorite verse - 1 Peter 5 : 7. I guess it shall be my encouragement for the rest of the day :)

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