Friday, April 12, 2013

Havoc Friday...

It is Friday again!! Again, there are things I heard which really discouraged me. But Hey... Jesus' followers are meant to be persecuted and challenged!!
In the midst of storm, I am glad that God send me somebody whom I can trust. Sometimes, I mean sometimes, I am really ashamed of my own race. I don't understand why we cannot be understanding. My assistant aka partner is a Philippine but she can relates to me well. Through thicks and thins, we stand firm together and that's the spirit. I felt much more encouraged by her.

Apart from that, Connect group always lifted me up but just a short while. I still got to face the music. I am trusting God for that.


Anonymous said...

Again, you shouldn't bring office politics to this blog or anything bad about workplace. The outcome of this writings might turn into something nasty if somebody would have found out.

Viola Ng said...

Thanks for reminding. But I see no details here, so there is no need to be afraid of the outcome.

Anonymous said...

You are showing there is office politics in the workplace.

Viola Ng said...

If you think the word "politics" is sensitive, I will edit that sentence. But again, this is my personal spot to voice out my feelings and thoughts. I still think my God deserves to be praised. I will take responsibility of what I have written because I don't think I have done anything wrong. Thanks for reminding and thanks for reading.