Sunday, April 21, 2013

Be a better person

I have to admit, sometimes, I am really not a good friend, not a good daughter and not a good employer. I can't balance between family, friends and work, which is why people around me always feel that they are being neglected or left out by me. It is not that I didn't try but I am just a failure in balancing out everything. 
To be honest, I am really trying my best to be a better person. It is not like anyone else can't live without me. I dislike being neglected and I dislike the feeling of being left out as well. So when I put myself in somebody's shoes, I can sort of understand why he or she feels that way. I am a poor please please please forgive me if you feel that I am being cold or what. I never change and it wasn't my intention to act that way.

I will try my best to be a better person. Again, I thought of how I once felt left out and uncared by my leader. I just felt so lost that I allowed myself to drift away from anything and everything else. Now I understand how he feels when I acted that way. I am sorry..

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