Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My two little rascals

Hello World.......so hard to update my blog without internet service. I don't know what's wrong with my home internet again =( But apparently my mum said "The internet always goes wrong whenever you are at home!" Fine... =P Anyway, i have been sick for quite a long time and i think i brought the virus all the way from Perth. So saddie....I have been baby-sitting my cousins a lot recently. Hopefully i get to master the power of patience. Well, you can reprimand a kid, but don't ever hit them. It won't work.
 Barry and me. People said he is stunning handsome but.....i do think he is super naughty. And hence.....i always goes mad because of him. What to do? My dream is to open a kindergarten with lots of kids running about. Don't know why am i wasting my time doing a Bachelor of Marketing and the Media when i know i won't be dealing in this field in the future XD
Here goes Rynn, Barry's younger brother. Ahaha...people said i always show favouritism when i am dealing with kids. I don't....it just depends on the amount of time i spend with them. I spend more time with Rynn i suppose....so naturally, i won't want to scold him and he didn't do anything that would makes me goes mad. Plus, i loved to watch him eat. You know, there are some type of kids who would eat a lot and very fast. Whilst some kids are too whiny whiny and always rejects food. Well.......and hence, here is the picture of Rynn wanting to get off the baby chair but wasn't allow to XD

Life has been good. I realized i have too many stuffs to settle and there are endless stuffs for me to learn and pick up here. Hopefully....i can master all of it. And of course my dreams. The only fear is that i am afraid i would back slide and stray away from God once more. Really must get on with serving and stuffs before i lose my passion. Honestly Lord, i need your guide and specific directions on where you are leading me to.

Well, i don't know. It seems to take longer than i expected. I was hoping to get over you as soon as possible but oh well, i guess it takes time. There are too many things which reminds me of you....especially now, when i am dealing with my lover no 3. It totally reminds me of you ALL THE TIME. God bless me....why am i so stupid to pick up something which have your trademark in it?

Oh people...i found my lover no 3. Will update about it soon XD Hopefully.......if nothing goes wrong with my internet. Ciaozz people...i don't want my mum to shout at me for using her company's computer to update my blog and to facebook all....=ppp

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