Hey people, i ve not update for one week?Narrhh....i did it on purpose. I ve nothing more to update plus i don't want to upload my photos on facebook. Haha...my computer is getting slower now. As you can see, phone bill here is a bomb. Everything is so expensive here and everything requires MONEY. Yes!MONEY MONEY and MONEY...!But luckily, there is something called Skype that enable me to communicate with my beloved ones in faraway land.Have a look at my pictures....!!They are not well-taken because i am using print screen.
My BB and Me...!!She showed me her room and i show her mine. Miss her so much..
Barry and Aunt AJ. She called me once a while but we always chatted for quite a long time.
Chinese New Year!!!My cute cousins.
Dearest Xiao Bi. He is so cute and fat!!
There you are. Mum even skype in the office. Haha...she skyped while working..!!
Mummy and Xiao Bi in Kulai. Things are so lively there.
PS: I realized i don't have a picture of my dad. I meant "SKYPE Picture". Maybe because he always left quickly after talking.
I will be back real soon. At least by the end of this year, i am BOUND to be back!Wait for me,,,!!See ya in the next post!!
Amiable brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.
i also want to skype with you >.<
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