Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hello World.....arghh..I know I am bad. But please, let me vent my anger in this little space of mine where I know there won't be much people reading. I need patience. Seriously this is the only thing which I can't mastered and I always failed terribly in this aspect.

Why? What have I done wrong? Why must you always throw tantrums at me? You weren't like that when She hasn't come back. I did not abandon you when people dislike you for who you are. I don't remember treating you badly. I don't expect any kindness in return but just hoping that you won't always be cranky with me. I am a human too. I have my own feelings. I don't see the reason why I have to tolerate all your tempers. But because I treat you as friend, I don't wanna have any bad encounters with you. Please respect me as well...

I know for sure this person won't read this. But I really cannot stand it when people gets cranky with me for no reason. Hey, it is not even my fault! I don't see the reason why I have to put up with her. Still, it is all for the sake of HIM! Necause HE wants us to love every single of His creation.

Till then...good luck to me :) I need a private space of my own....

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