Okay, back to my title. Why is the princess feeling so down?? Why? Because she can't go back to Malaysia. The Princess don't even have the thought of going back at all but now, she is being influenced by all her friends because most of them will be going back this coming winter holiday. I did mentioned to Mummy about it but it was merely just for fun. I know Mummy wouldn't want me to waste money because she wanted me to stay in Perth. But that day, she said i can go back if i want to. I felt "Arghhh". Just when i have already promised my church mates that i will be serving throughout the whole winter, then she said i could go back. I felt like crying actually...aiks. That was last Sunday i guess when mummy called me. I didn't talk to her nicely for my mood was all spoilt by my final assignment. Then she told me Daddy said i could go back too. I burst out in tears right after i hang up the phone. First, i really wanted to go back. Second, i have already promised my mates that i will serve during this Winter. I guess this is God's challenges for me. To be or not to be!!A lot of people had tried to psycho me about going back to Malaysia but i am sorry, i don't want to be someone who break promises. So, with a heavy heart, i wanna say "Good bye Malaysia. As much as i wanted to go back, but i am sorry, i got to stay!I really hope time can pass quickly in order to shorten our gap!" =( This is why The Princess has been feeling troubled and emo over it.
PS: To my dearest BB, i am a good girl. I listened to your advise. So i am NOT coming back this winter. I ve made up my mind. Nothing ever change. Please do something to make me forget all these...pleaseeeeee!!I can't accept the fact that i am gonna stay here alone when everyone is gone. T.T T.T!!Anyway BB, thanks for listening to all my troubles. This feeling is kinda new and fresh. I hope i won't have to say "Bye Bye" to it without even trying. Likewise, i wanna wish you luck in finding your Mr Right. I know i know...i can hear you screaming "Ipod touch" all the way but don't marry that guy for the sake of Ipod touch okay? Don't ever tell anyone i am your BB if you do that. Haha, but i know you won't!I know my BB is very persistent. We gambatte together okay?One more thing, DON'T EVER EVER TRY TO APPLY JOB IN A NIGHTCLUB!Get that thought off your mind. To me, you are beautiful. People have no right to judge you anyway since they don't even know your characters. I believe you can find a prince that will treasure the inner beauty of yours one day. You know what, i will always be there for you if you need me. I miss you like anything but you don't allow me to go back =( So it is your duty to accompany throughout that period. You won't even have chance to run away. Be prepared....=)
Dearest World, The Princess is feeling better already. No use feeling emo since i have already made up my mind. I ve got to move on isn't it!Give me three cheers please...for being so strong!!Maybe i might find myself actually feeling please for not going back after all. Remember i used to say "We don't need a reason for something" ? But i believe "everything happen for a reason". So, let it be. I have got to let go of something somehow =) Yes, to make myself happy, i ve got to unlock all the unhappiness within me. Good bye to all troubles which cost me my tears!! I won't hate you anyway......=)
Good bye World.....i bet i'll see you guys real soon!!
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