Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hey guys, i noticed something terrible.I just realized i have no talent at all in self-taking pictures. Haix,gotta get a new camie to practise. There are so many stuffs i wanna do.
1)Learn Japanese and Korean Language
2)Re-learn Violin again
3)Go shopping
4)Travelling overseas(Japan and Korea especially)
5)Meet SS501(My Lovely Hyun Joong)
I bet i just got to try hard. Let's see when can i achieve my dreams. Don't fret!!I will report to you guys once i have achieved my goals. Wish me lucks.
People, today (12th September 2009) is my neighbour's great day!For their newly-borned baby has reached one month's old.Congratulation,dear little "Z00 In". Zoo In is the baby's name.We had lots of fun. I invited my best friend + buddy, Zhi Xian to come along. She will help me to trade in my old Violin. I planned to get a bigger one. She is still the same. As lively as ever...we had fun. Hope to chat with her more next time. Love her lots...muackzz!There were camera men and lots of nice food. For example, Kinsahi, "Luk Luk car", Mega buffet, Satay, and lots of nice food. But UNFORTUNATELY,i didn't get to eat the lovely yam cake of Uncle Yeow. His birthday is a few days away. Since his son is celebrating one month, so we decided to celebrate for him too.
Baby Zoo In,the STAR for today.
I longed to have desserts. I love cakes and ice-cream and chocolates. Recently, i am so damn greedy and hungry. I just want to EAT....scary habit of mine.. My lovely cakes from MOONLIGHT On the 29th of August, our factory had some sort of praying ceremony. That is when we burned all folded paper money. Jennifer,my best friend drove to our factory to join in the ceremony. I love her. She gave me my very very belated birthday present. Thanks a lot girl...i appreciate it. And of course i will wear it and bring it with me wherever i go.
Okay, in order to make my blog special, will change my language to Chinese. Perhaps i might use two languages in my blog next time. I can improve my Chinese as well as English. "Killing two birds with one stone".......
好开心!上个月我回Taylor's拿成绩.我已事先和Kon商量好要给Chloe一个惊喜.,我千交代万交代,叫他绝对绝对不能跟Chloe说.结果他很听话嘛!!但,很不巧,我第一天没能见到她.可是我晚上却在Asia Cafe遇见 了Mey Lian.我们都很担心一切都会暴光.还好Mey Lian什么都没跟Chloe讲.
第二天,我们又回到了学院.这次我们是等到他们上完lecture,我们才到偻下等他们.很不幸,我等了那么久,却等不到Chloe.真气.....我谁都看见,却找不到她.傻眼.........!!我一直逼Kon帮我打给Chloe.真可怜,但还是要谢谢你咯. 不过,他听电话也听得很烂咯.说什么"她在韩国餐隔壁的鸡饭!"害我们找了那么久.不过最后,还是找到他们了.真是累.........!我本来想吓她们的,但还是被Khen Pey发现了.哈哈......然后就拍照咯....... Me and Chloe

Khen Pey and me
Wow...i have finished writing my two languages blog. So tiring.hahaha.......I will be back soon with more photos of the party and some other interesting stuff...............See ya soon..

1 comment:

Zhi Xian said...
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