Hi World...i am back! I actually don't have the intention to update my blog but then, i am EMO again!!I don't know why...maybe because of the weather. Till now, i really don't know which season i am in. Sometimes, i felt as if i am walking under the sun of Summer and sometimes, i felt as if i am running through the rain of Winter. It is kinda confusing. Anyway, that is not my main point. The thing is..i am kinda emo right now. I don't know why. Is it because of the workload??Nope, because i will never trouble over school work. Is it because of the people here?Erhem..well..maybe!! Is it because of the grand happening? Yes yes yes...i think it is a little bit more than "maybe". Well..i guess it is all these that caused me to be in this state of mood. I can't seem to do anything. Presentation is coming soon. Assignments due dates are drawing near. HELPPPPPPP............
What is the best way to cure this shity mood? Yes...the skies or the sea. This picture will be even better if i can grab a picture of the beautiful sunset. Do i really feel better now?? Nope..i don't think so.
Allow me to shout for a while...........ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Sorry...i couldn't find a better place to vent out my anger so i can only vent it in my little blog. This is the only space i have.
这是我的梦吗?还记得我曾经说过的,当我一踏入大学生活的那一天, 那就是我梦镜的开始。我一定要做个美丽又甜美的梦。虽然这里的生活很好,但人总会有脆弱的时候吧。当你脆弱时, 你就会想很多啊。我也希望自己的好友在身边啊!!我也不知道自己为什么会不开心。我就是很不开心咯。 可能因为朋友,或许也有一小部分是因为功课。不过现在好多了。。。因为吃了很多!!又有人载我们出去!所以心情特变好了。
有时候,我在想。。。我到底在追求什么??最近读什么都没心情。读来读去,我还是对日文最有兴趣。我就是不喜欢商科嘛。。。。哎,都已经选了一个不用读会计的课程了。要完成一个梦想怎么那么难啊?我不想就这样放弃!!所以就让我在我这个小小的世界里好好的发泄一下吧!!我不否认我的野心很大,可能是像爸爸吧。我有很多想做的事情。到处旅行, 学各种语言,当导游,做我想做的媒体,在新加坡找份工作。我知道我还有大把机会去旅行。每个人都说,以后去也不迟。可是,我真的想趁年轻时,好好的去享受。人生是短暂的。我也不知道我还能活多久。为何不活的精彩呢??日本和韩国一路来都是我的梦想!我一定要实现我的梦想。 只要我再努力一点点, 我就能够把日语读好。到时,我就不必担心在那里生存不了了。虽然我知道我会比别人慢很多, 可是我的人生过得很有色彩!不是每`个人都可以体验当兵的生活的。也不是每个人都懂得“LEO” 真正的意思。我也完成了我第一个梦想-去韩国。我有个美满的家庭。所以我很感谢上帝。。。让我有个美好的人生。我很幸福!这不是骗人的。。。
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