The Clover has its own legend. It was said to be a lucky leaf with four petals. And each petals represent something:-
The First petal represented true love
The Second petal represented heath
The Third petal represented fame
The Fourth petal represented Wealth
Don't know since when i started believing in this legend.....but still it is my dream to find the real clover. I always believe i could find it. I remembered vividly during the days when i was 12, i come accross a story related to clover. Since then, i never stop searching and hunting for clovers. Like i said, DARE TO DREAM, DARE TO ACCEPT!!...I believe, my dreams will come true....
Next, the treble clef's legend....!There is no legend for treble clef in reality. Everyone knows it is for the use of musics. But to me, it is a meaningful symbol. It represented "True Friendship" and "Unfulfilled dreams". I know it sounds a bit creepy but it is actually a most beautiful symbol to me. I remembered the day when both me and Kelnice each caught sight of this shining treble clef in a hidden place. It came in a set of two different colours. Both pink and purple. Kelnice has got the purple clef with her and obviously, the pink clef is with me. It represented our strong friendship. Thanks Kelnice!!Although people treat you as a young kid, but to me, you are even more mature than me. I enjoyed learning from you. Good luck with your form 4 lessons. I am sure you can get a good score if you continue to stay hardworking. Sorry...because to you, i may be someone with no weaknesses but in REALITY, i have tonnes of weaknesses in me. So i cannot be a good role model among all of you kiddo's...*winks* I know you guys hate to be called kids but still you guys are kids.
(PS: I will define more on the kids someday. I have a whole bunch of precious kids which i treasured whole-heartedly!!Miss them like hell!)
Next, "Unfulfilled Dreams". I love musics. Especially classical musics.....and yes, i love Piano and Violin. But sadly, Piano and Violin are both my unfulfilled dreams for i gave up halfway. I know i shouldn't have given up but it is too late. I always thought i am not good enough whenever i set my hand onto my piano or when i was holding my violin. And often, i felt that i was a failure for never had i felt so regret over something unfulfilled. I never even cried when i gotten a bad results or something. At times, i even felt like agreeing when mummy said she wanted to give the piano away. Reluctant as i was but i knew, i had to face the reality. Since i am no longer someone who is worthy of owning that piano, so why don't i provide the chance to someone who needed it badly? But then Someone told me, "It is not too late!!You still have time to learn. As long as you are still alive, there is always hope for you to fulfill your dreams!" Yes...thanks a lot to that "someone"!It really inspired me a lot! I don't wanna give up after all. True enough, i may not have the chance to relearn and to pass all the piano grades but as long as i can still remember the scores and notes, i believe, i can still play those melodies that sounded so good...........!!=) Never let dreams fade away....!!So please don't give my piano and violin away Mummy. I don't play piano for the sake of passing all my grades for i never wanted to be a piano teacher or instruder. I play it for the sake of "LOVING IT". My love and passion for musics will never ever fade...!! And my legend for treble clef is no longer "Unfulfilled Dreams" after all. Instead, i shall name it "Continuous dreams".......=)
This two necklaces has given me hope whenever i am down. For it reminded me of friendships and dreams. Clover brought me lucks and love, whereas treble clef brought me joys and peace. I shall reveal one more secret....i love Dolphins very much and Dolphins represented FREEDOM. I will define more on that someday....!!
Back to reality, things don't always go your way. We will naturally felt disgusted or fed up after so many attempts. But the simplest key to unlock all these is to "LET GO". So people, whenever you feel discourage or what, just let go. Not temporarily but completely. You will eventually find your place in this World someday. Life may be unfair but it is our duty to live it amazingly and wonderfully. It is up to us whether to create a colourful life or a dull life. If you chose to open up your life, then just say "Yes" to everything. You may be surprise at the changes that occurs. Try it people....!!=)
Well....after blabbering for so long, i think it is time for me to get started with my assignments. Wish me lucks people. Perhaps you don't get to see me for quite a long time but if i have something interesting to share, i'll definitely share it. Hopefully it is something interesting and not something unrealistic like this....=) See ya soon...muackzz