Hello World, can you see spiders crawling all over my little world? Yup, my blog is full of spider webs now. Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....i am lazy to update and i DON'T know what to update. I haven't been feeling so well since last week. I totally lost my voice. I had sorethroat and i had fever. And NOW, i am coughing. What the.............=( Anyway, i just wanted my original voice back. It is awful for not being able to sing. It is even awful to feel uncomfortable when the rest were having fun. I miss Mummy even though she can be a bit annoying at times. She called me for more than 5 times in a row just to ask me some really really random questions. Okay, i know it is not her fault. I am just pissed off with the poor reception. I am always having to run here and there to find reception. I don't enjoy winter course at all. Why?First, because i dislike law. Second, because i have much more exciting stuffs to do. Third, i am not a super girl. Fourth, i don't want to attend classes when my head is spinning and i know my mind won't absorb a single thing at all. All these were rate according to hierachy. And yea, so i am currently having zero preparation right now. Goodness know how am i going to pass this exam. I know i should be studying.....i really know!!But what the hell am i doing here????
I really should take more pictures so that i can keep my blog looking slightly lively. I guess the only pictures i haven't been uploading to my facebook and blog are those that i have taken when i serve in National Service. See the yellow flag??It is the significant of our team-CHARLIE!!!The boys were certainly much more creative than girls. I couldn't help out much because i am not good at drawing and i am not good at "Kawad". So the only thing i can do is to be the cheerleading master and to think of all nice team cheers for Charlie. Go Charlie Go Charlie Go Go Go. But in the end, we ended up having too many team cheers. It was a great experience for till now, i can still hear my voice shouting out loud....WHAT TEAM? CHARLIEWHAT TEAM? CHARLIEWHAT TEAM CHARLIEWHO IS THE BEST???????????CHARLIE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I met great friends in NS. We were all from different areas. Some were from Malacca. Some were from Pahang and so on. Friends are the only ones whom we can rely on. We tend to take care of one another. We unite together. We did crazy stuffs together. We laughed. We cried. We were happy. And yet, unpleasant situations may occurs. We only have 5 chinese girls in our dorm. We used to be so close. And yet, due to misunderstandings, we fought and our friendship never resume again. It was sad..........but what can we do?? I am glad i had Ting and Sister Lam to accompany me throughout my whole service. Thanks a lot guys...........i miss you both very very much. I will define more on them later on in another special post.Hmm....despite all these, we hit off well with other people. People known me as "Loud" and "Monster". I ate a lot. In NS, we ate 6 meals per day. But i ate 12 meals per day. One of the greatest memory for me is that, i had a big big big luggage that contains FOOD!!I don't even bother to pack my clothes and belonging. What i want is food!!!The others were always shock and amazed at how i ate. But i am glad i manage to influence Ting and Sister Lam. They scolded me for i caused a lot of people to gain weight. I had special weapon though .......=P
We had to attend classes too. And hence, the blue collar shirt is our uniform. In NS, what we have to practise is to be QUICK. Why?Because they made us change at least 4 times per day. We had to put on our sport's uniform every morning. After breakfast, we got to change into our class uniform. It lasted till afternoon. Then we were asked to put on our army uniform. At 6pm, we had to change into our sport's uniform again for sports. After dinner, we were allow to put on our own casual clothings. Annoying right?? I don't really understand why we have to change into so many types of clothings per day. Plus, i don't understand why they made us learn poetries and all. Obviously, the lessons were all in Malay. I only get to speak 2 types of languages in NS - Malay and Chinese. It was a good practise for me though......
I may not have the chance to see certain people again because i don't even know where they are, but the memories that we had will always be the best tool to motivate me in my life. There are many times in NS when i felt like dying and felt like giving up in most events. I always thought i couldn't make it till the end. The army uniform were so heavy and we had to carry a really heavy bag of 5kg. Then they made us walk for don't know how long. Obviously the route won't be that easy. We got to climb hills, jump through drains, and all. It wasn't easy but thank god i made it.
I wanna thank that person for he is the one who motivates me when i felt like dying. He is one of my most special friend in NS. For your information, boys and girls dorm were separated. It is not easy for us to even talk to each other. The only moments we can communicate is through lessons. And you know, we got to hand over our phones to the teachers. We can only get back our phone during weekends. So that is the only time when we can encouraged each other through texings. He is my friend. Yes, my friend!!We had similar dreams. We wanted to complete this service and to achieve our best in all events. We had lots of promises to each other. But, he surprised me one day by saying he will leave the camp to further on his studies. I thought he was lying but it turned out to be true. He felt guilty for leaving me alone to accomplish our dream. He cried terribly the night before he leaves the camp. I thought i would cry but instead i did not. I remembered myself smiling as i wave goodbye to him. I thought i won't be able to accomplish this task for no one is there to motivate me. And yet, i can still felt his presence in camp. Maybe because his friends are always there to update me. And he always encouraged me through textings for he knows the exact time and day when i can get back my phone. One of his message caught my attention, he asked me to use his strength to accomplish this task and i did. I must say, it is effective. Whenever i felt like giving up, i will remember the encouragement that he gave me and things became easier. Thank you so much, my friend. I am glad you are doing fine now in KL. We haven't lost contact though =)))
Okay World, there won't be any heart diaries session for today because i have a longer version to update in the next post. I just want to keep my blog alive =))) Once again, THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!!!Good night world.....
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