Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A type of medicine called F.O.O.D

Oh man... whenever I am not in the right state of mind, I always crave for something nice and delicious :( 
As much as I would love to be open about it, but I can't deny the fact that I am after all a girl. I would still care and mind dreadfully, especially when I treasure him a lot. Sigh...I guess I just had to accept the fact that guys are after all guys. No matter how much they said they would change for you, some inner characteristics still remain. I need to find my own cure for it. I wish I could just be dumb and not to observe so much at times. It is better to not know and see anything, rather than I saw and knew about it but CAN'T say anything :( This feeling is not nice at all. It kills!!!

If I could choose, I would rather be some kind of happy dummy!

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